Aloha DREAM Team is a youth advocacy group with members who have benefited from the DACA program and focuses on outreach efforts and support of immigration policy reform.
Assata's Daughters is a grassroots, intergenerational, organizing collective of Black women who love and support each other. Inspired by the Radical Monarchs, Assata’s Daughters was started to hold...
Barrio Writers (BW) is a creative writing program founded by author Sarah Rafael García, which provides free college level writing workshops to teenagers in underserved communities. In the...
BAY-Peace supports and empowers Bay Area youth to confront militarism and other forms of violence through youth organizing and artistic resistance. We are the only group of our...
The vision of Beantown Society is to unite youth in Boston across race, class, culture, and neighborhood to end youth violence. We believe in changing youth's oppression, neglect-ion,...
Boston Mobilization was founded in 1977 as part of a national movement for workers rights and smart green energy. Since then we have taken leadership and support roles...
We are an organization of youth, led by youth and supported by adults, who are united by a common purpose: to increase youth power and create positive social...
BreakOUT! seeks to end the criminalization of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth to build a safer and more just New Orleans.We build on the rich...
Connecticut Students for a DREAM is a statewide organization of DREAMers and alies that seek to empower undocumented students and their families by advocating for their rights and...
Countywide Family Development Center addresses zero tolerance and similar policies in the local schools that push kids into the juvenile justice system.
The Culture of Peace Alliance (COPA) operates as a nonprofit umbrella that works to build peace, empower youth, and create a cultural shift towards compassion, nonviolence, civility, and...
Detroit REPRESENT! is a small collective of LGBTQ youth of color from Detroit, Michigan. We use media-organizing to creatively transform the oppression faced by Detroit’s LGBTQ youth of...
Genesis is a community of member organizations working together for access to opportunity, health and quality education for people throughout the Bay Area. Unifying our member congregations and...